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Bricina Stroke Rehabilitation

    Bricina is licensed for use in people after a stroke.

    With the mission of supporting the overcoming of SEQUELAE and severe DAMAGE caused by STROKE. We launched the superior product line Bricina - based on the method of VENOUS BLOOD FIBER LYSIS, pure extract from "Earth Dragon", with a focus on the active ingredient enzyme lumbrokinase. EARTH DRAGON is used in traditional medicine such as the nucleus "ENGRAVING FOR ACCIDENTS AND STROKES"

Weakness or paralysis on one side of the body, Muscle spasms, face and mouth distortion, Movement is slow difficult inaccurate icon shopping

Strokes that affect different parts of the brain or multiple parts of the brain at the same time can cause different sequelae

1 Weakness or paralysis on one side of the body: If the stroke occurs on the right side of the brain, the left side of the body and face will be affected. The opposite is true for strokes that occur on the left side of the brain (the right side of the face and body will be affected). 2 The body feels tired frequently: After a stroke, the body will feel tired, which usually starts to subside after a few months. But for some people, fatigue can continue for years. 3 pasticity: When you try to move a limb, the muscles contract (shorten or tighten). This creates stiffness and tightness, known as "spasticity." Spasticity also affects the tendons and soft tissues around the muscles, making them tense or rigid. This makes stretching the muscles much more difficult. If left untreated, parts or entire muscles can become fixed in an abnormal position, often causing pain. Physical therapy can be helpful. 4 Epilepsy (Uncontrolled Seizures): It is a brain malfunction that alters a person's awareness. A seizure may last only a few seconds or several minutes. It can trigger involuntary body movements, unusual sensations, or a loss of natural reflexes. Various studies provide different insights into how often seizures occur after a stroke. While seizures are not painful, they can be distressing and disorienting. 5 COMMON COMMUNICATION ISSUES AFTER A STROKE: Stroke survivors may experience discomfort that affects their control over the muscles in the face, tongue, and mouth. Those with speech disorders may know exactly what they want to say but may speak slowly. Their voice may sound slurred, muffled, hoarse, or nasal. 6 BRAIN MEMORY AND MOTOR COORDINATION: Different parts of the brain control specific types of thinking. Depending on where the stroke occurs in the brain, different cognitive issues may arise. Stroke survivors may have trouble with memory. Planning, organizing ideas, or making decisions can also be difficult. Stroke affects memory, and many survivors face challenges related to it. 7 COMMON EMOTIONS AND PERSONALITY CHANGES AFTER A STROKE: After a stroke, people often experience emotional and behavioral changes. This happens because the brain controls our behavior and emotions. A stroke can make a person forgetful, careless, irritable, or confused. Stroke survivors may also feel anxious, angry, or depressed. Their behavior depends on which part of the brain is affected and the severity of the damage. 8 Effects of Emotional Disturbance After a Stroke: When the parts of the brain that control emotions are damaged, stroke survivors often become easily tearful. Some may experience uncontrollable laughter or sudden mood swings. These are physical effects of a stroke.

Information from the American Stroke Association, dedicated to stroke recovery.

Bricina - stroke rehabilitation
stroke causes a lot of damage

STROKE: AN URGENT ISSUE , Every year, more than 800,000 people suffer from a stroke in usa, with 25% of them being young individuals. The number of patients continues to rise, yet awareness remains limited, leading to high mortality rates and long-term complications that significantly impact quality of life.

Modern medicine focuses primarily on emergency treatment and stroke recurrence prevention. However, post-stroke rehabilitation and addressing long-term aftereffects have not received adequate attention and remain unresolved challenges.

Today, VinaPhaco Pharmaceutical Joint Stock Company presents a health recovery solution to help overcome the aftereffects of cerebrovascular incidents and strokes:
Bricina featuring purified enzymes extracted from Địa Long—specifically, the enzyme Lumbrokinase.

For centuries earthworms have been used in traditional medicine to treat circulatory disorders. Their medicinal benefits were documented in Bencao Gangmu (Compendium of Materia Medica), compiled by Li Shizhen in the 16th century during the early Ming Dynasty, where they were used for cases of stroke and sudden vascular obstruction.

To clarify the therapeutic potential of earthworms, Japanese scholar Dr. Hisashi Mihara and his colleagues successfully extracted a fibrin-degrading enzyme from Lumbricus rubellus in the 1980s. This enzyme was later found to consist of several protein-degrading sub-enzymes, collectively known as Lumbrokinase. Lumbrokinase is also referred to as earthworm fibrinolytic enzyme (EFE), earthworm powder enzyme (EPE), or e-PA.

Since then, numerous researchers from South Korea and China have compiled extensive scientific and clinical data on Lumbrokinase extracted from Lumbricus rubellus and Eisenia fetida. In Japan and South Korea, Lumbrokinase is the key component of “Bricina”, a popular health supplement that supports circulatory health. Meanwhile, in China, earthworm protein extracts and Lumbrokinase have been extensively studied and used to promote better blood balance.

Initially, dried earthworms were used in traditional Eastern herbal decoctions, followed by ground earthworm powder. Later, crude granulated extracts of earthworms were developed. Now, Bricina offers a highly purified enzymatic extract from earthworms in a nutritional supplement form. Just like omega-3 molecules in fish oil, polyphenols in green tea, and curcumin in turmeric, the Lumbrokinase enzyme group is gradually being recognized as one of the most valuable bioactive components of earthworms.

Bricina – (Lumbrokinase) is the only fully researched oral enzyme on the market that supports blood balance and circulatory health. Lumbrokinase has shown great potential in promoting healthy coagulation and fibrinolysis balance in the body. The coagulation system is highly complex and tightly regulated. Modern lifestyles often shift this balance toward increased blood clotting rather than reducing it.

For most people, Bricina can help maintain a healthier equilibrium in the body's circulatory system. Lumbrokinase has been extensively studied and validated through numerous scientific research projects.

lumbrokinase has been proven through many scientific research projects.

Bricina used rehabilitation

Bricina - Licensed for use in people after a stroke

arow Bricina - CRNA since 2019 | fda approved
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  • Bricina – Designed for stroke and cerebrovascular accident (CVA) survivors, Bricina aids in healing and faster recovery after a stroke. It provides an effective solution to overcome the aftereffects caused by cerebrovascular incidents.

    With a special extract from (earthworm) containing the active enzyme Lumbrokinase, Bricina supports a healthy balance between blood clotting and fibrinolysis in the body. "earthworm" has also been used in traditional medicine for centuries to promote circulatory health. Bricina used for rehabilitation after stroke
    lumbrokinase enzymes

    note icon Just like omega-3 fatty acids in fish oil, polyphenols in green tea, and curcumin in turmeric, the Lumbrokinase enzyme group is gradually being recognized as one of the most valuable components of (earthworms). Over time, it will be widely acknowledged for its role in helping maintain a healthier balance of blood indicators.

    Bricina - licensed by FDA in the
    US and UKAS in the UK
  • giấy tiếp nhận công bố sản phẩm Bricina - Địa Long Bảo Huyết

    Product declaration receipt

    Signed by Director of Food Safety Management Department NGUYEN THANH PHONG on October 17, 2019

  • chứng nhận nhà máy sản xuất dạt tiêu chuẩn GMP

    GMP certified factory

    GMP - Good Manufacturing Practice is a good manufacturing practice standard to ensure hygiene and safety conditions in production licensing.

  • Phiếu kiểm nghiệm

    Quality testing certificate

    Results of testing the output quality of Bricina - Dia Long Bao Huyet products at a testing facility licensed by the Ministry of Health.

  • chứng nhận phân tích chất lượng COA lumbrokinase

    Certificate of analysis for lumbrokinase quality

    Certificate of Analysis (COA) of active ingredient lumbrokinase from the Center for Biotechnology Research and Development.

  • Chứng nhận Vương quốc Anh UKAS

    UKAS Accreditation UK Accreditation Agency

    UK Accreditation is the only national accreditation body recognised by the UK government to assess the competence of organisations providing certification, testing, inspection and calibration services.

  • Chứng nhận FDA

    Manufacturing certification from the US FDA

    FDA The Food and Drug Administration or U.S. Food and Drug Administration is the United States food and drug regulatory agency, within the United States Department of Health and Human Services.

  • In Which Cases Should Bricina Be Used ?

    Bricina helps address complications in individuals recovering from cerebrovascular accidents (stroke). The specific post-stroke complications are listed below:

    1 Individuals with severe post-stroke complications, such as Total paralysis (loss of sensation and inability to control movements in both arms and legs) sphincter dysfunction (loss of control over urination and bowel movements) damage to one hemisphere of the brain (either left or right) individuals unable to eat or drink, requiring feeding through a nasogastric tube. At this stage, they are bedridden and require full support from caregivers for all personal activities. 2 Individuals with mild post-stroke complications, such as Paralysis of one side of the body (either left or right) or paralysis of the upper body (both arms) or lower body (both legs) facial asymmetry (crooked mouth, facial muscle imbalance due to peripheral cranial nerve damage) blurred vision in one eye, memory decline, forgetfulness 3 People Preventing Stroke Recurrence: Individuals experiencing transient stroke symptoms may suddenly feel severe dizziness or even faint, or their arms, legs, and mouth may suddenly become numb and immobile. Afterward, they may stabilize but continue to experience persistent numbness in their limbs, occasional dizziness, or neck and shoulder pain. Bricina is a trusted solution for post-stroke patients. It aids in recovery and healing from stroke (cerebrovascular accident), heart attack, and other blood clot-related conditions. It helps improve complications such as paralysis, muscle atrophy, slurred speech, limb numbness, and loss of speech ability.

    Bricina guarantees a 100% refund if customers experience no improvement after use.

    Notes and Frequently Asked Questions About Using Bricina

  • 1Can Bricina be safely used if the patient is already taking other blood-thinning medications ? Lumbrokinase has been used safely alongside blood thinners in various clinical studies, with no reported adverse interactions. Additionally, lumbrokinase does not increase the risk of external bleeding like other anticoagulants.

  • 2Should Bricina be taken without its capsule ? The capsule used in Bricina is an acid-resistant capsule, designed to withstand stomach acid and dissolve in the small intestine, as lumbrokinase can be deactivated by stomach acid. Preliminary clotting tests using the Sonoclot analyzer (manufactured by Sienco, Inc.) indicate that it remains effective even when taken without the capsule on an empty stomach. However, for the best results, Bricina should be taken in its original capsule form.

  • 3Does Bricina have any side effects ? Earthworm extract has been used in Traditional Chinese Medicine for thousands of years and is considered one of the safest ingredients in traditional pharmacopeia.

  • 4Can Bricina be taken along with other enzyme products ? Theoretically, lumbrokinase could be broken down and lose its effectiveness when combined with other proteolytic enzymes. Therefore, we do not currently recommend taking lumbrokinase alongside another proteolytic enzyme product. If necessary, take lumbrokinase on an empty stomach first and wait 30 minutes before taking another enzyme supplement.

  • 5Can lumbrokinase help lower cholesterol ? There is some evidence suggesting that lumbrokinase may have a mild cholesterol-lowering effect. However, we believe there are more effective methods for reducing cholesterol levels. As a result, lumbrokinase should not be used as a cholesterol-lowering supplement. Nevertheless, lumbrokinase is excellent for overall circulatory health, as it does not increase blood cholesterol levels.

  • 6What is the suggested dosage regimen for lumbrokinase ? For most chronic clotting disorders, one capsule per day is recommended. In acute conditions and cases of severe hypercoagulation, a dosage of two capsules, three times per day for 3 to 6 weeks or as directed by a physician is suggested.

  • 7How quickly does Bricina start working, and how can its effects be maximized ? Pharmacokinetic studies show that lumbrokinase’s fibrinolytic (clot-dissolving) effects begin within 3 hours and peak at 6 to 8 hours after ingestion. Around 12 hours post-ingestion, fibrinolytic activity returns to baseline levels. Therefore, the best way to achieve and maintain maximum benefits from lumbrokinase is to take each dose approximately every 8 hours.

    bricina - stroke rehabilitation 05 bottle 290 usd, free shiping.

      RESEARCH ON Lumbrokinase IN THE WORLD INTRODUCING scientific works

    • 1Fan Q, Wu C, et al. Some characteristics of intestinal absorption of intact fibrinolytic enzyme III-1 from Lumbricus rubellus.Published in: Biochem Biophys Acta, 2001; 1526 (3): 286-92
    • 2Gao Y, Qin MZ. Lumbrokinase in hyperfibrinemia associated with atherosclerosis. Published in: Journal of Capital Medical University, 1999; 4 (20)
    • 3Gong B, Wu XY. Quan sát việc sử dụng lumbrokinase trong các trường hợp sau tai biến mạch máu não do thiếu máu cục bộ kèm tăng lipid máu . Y học Thủ đô, 2000; 7 (12): 39
    • 4Guo ZF, Liu XX. Observation of stroke recovery in ischemic stroke patients using lumbrokinase.Published in: Capital Medicine, 2000; 7 (11): 45
    • 5Zhang NH. Changes in coronary blood flow before and after lumbrokinase administration.Published in: Chinese Journal of Hematology, 1999; 1 (9): 63
    • 6Zhou XD, Zhao RX, Zheng XR, Zhang H. Observations on the use of lumbrokinase in post-stroke motor function recovery. Published in: Chinese Journal of Integrated Traditional and Western Medicine, 1997; 12 (17)
    • 7Zhang GP, Jin HM, Zhang M, et al. The anti-aggregation and fibrinolytic effects of lumbrokinase and their relationship with tissue plasminogen activator (t-PA). Published in: Chinese Journal of Geriatrics, 1998; 6 (17): 366-368